
OnePlus 8 Pro Color Filter camera can see through some plastic objects 😯Thanks to the Infrared technology

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i know that some people doubt the usefulness of a color filter camera and in the beginning i was one of them. I don’t want to start a fundamental discussion here, but rather use the platform and see what you can get out of the Color Filter Camera. So here is my first try with the Color filter camera and the photochrom filter.

The OnePlus 8 Pro packs in plenty of new hardware to justify the company’s highest-ever smartphone price tag (McLaren editions not considered). One particularly intriguing feature on the menu is the handset’s dedicated color filter camera. We certainly don’t see this type of camera too often.

This is the fourth camera on the back of the OnePlus 8 Pro, but it occupies the bottom slot in the main triple camera housing. What’s particularly interesting about this camera is that, rather than including a macro or time-of-flight sensor, OnePlus has opted for a very specific effect over more universal flexibility. The company says the color filter camera will help your photos “stand out from the crowd” thanks to “artistic lighting effects and filters”. Let’s dive in.

The results from the OnePlus 8 Pro color filter camera can certainly look striking. The 5MP resolution is good enough for a quick share to social, but it’s far too limited for cropping and editing. Worse still, the camera performs very poorly in low light, with grain and noise that saps the image of essential detail. Even in good lighting, trees and textured images look harsh and subjects are often out of focus. The color filter sensor is really quite poor by all traditional photography standards.

Deepak Chandra

नमस्कार दोस्तों, मैं Deepak Chandra, DKTechHindi का Technical Author & Co-Founder हूँ. Education की बात करूँ तो मैं एक Enginnering Graduate हूँ. मुझे नयी नयी Technology से सम्बंधित चीज़ों को सीखना और दूसरों को सिखाने में बड़ा मज़ा आता है. मेरी आपसे विनती है की आप लोग इसी तरह हमारा सहयोग देते रहिये और हम आपके लिए नईं-नईं जानकारी उपलब्ध करवाते रहेंगे. :) #We DKTechHindi Team Support DIGITAL INDIA

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