
Google has suspended Mitron app for allegedly violating its spam and minimum functionality policy.

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Mitron, the much-touted desi version of TikTok, has now been pulled down by Google from its Play Store for allegedly violating its spam and minimum functionality policy.

According to Google”s policy, an app “should provide value to users through the creation of unique content or services.”

“We don”t allow apps that merely provide the same experience as other apps already on Google Play,” the policy reads.

The removal of the app came soon after reports emerged that the Mitron app is a repackaged version of TicTic, which is a TikTok clone.

The app, which allows users to make short videos, also appears to have a “Pakistan connection” as the source code of the app was originally made by developers from Pakistan.

This group from Pakistan, known as Qboxus, was found selling “TicTic – Android media app for creating and sharing short videos v2.5” at the CodeCanyon platform for $34.

As mentioned in the reports, the app didn’t have any privacy policy of its own until approached by CNBC TV18, which raised questions on the legitimacy of the app. Adding to this was a recent report that stated how your Mitron app account had a major vulnerability and hackers could gain access to your account exploiting the loophole.

It is worth adding that the identity of the person/company that currently owns Mitron app is still not known.

Tags:- mitron app, mitron, tictok clone, tictic, clone app, playstore, Pakistani app, desi, app, Desi version of tictok,

Deepak Chandra

नमस्कार दोस्तों, मैं Deepak Chandra, DKTechHindi का Technical Author & Co-Founder हूँ. Education की बात करूँ तो मैं एक Enginnering Graduate हूँ. मुझे नयी नयी Technology से सम्बंधित चीज़ों को सीखना और दूसरों को सिखाने में बड़ा मज़ा आता है. मेरी आपसे विनती है की आप लोग इसी तरह हमारा सहयोग देते रहिये और हम आपके लिए नईं-नईं जानकारी उपलब्ध करवाते रहेंगे. :) #We DKTechHindi Team Support DIGITAL INDIA

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