
Google’s ‘Incognito Mode’ not secure? Company faces USD 5 billion lawsuit over tracking users

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Google is keeping an eye on its users on search engines. A case has been registered against Google for tracking the online activity of users in California. According to a report by Venture Beat, Google is accused of monitoring the data and web activity of Incognito mode users. If these allegations made on Google prove to be true, then it may have to pay a fine of $ 5 billion.

The lawsuit seeks at least $5 billion from the Alphabet Inc., the parent company of Google, for secretly collecting information about what people view online and what they browse, even if they use what Google calls “incognito” mode.

While users may view private browsing as a safe haven from watchful eyes, computer security researchers have long raised concern that Google and rivals might augment user profiles by tracking people’s identities across different browsing modes, combining data from private and ordinary internet surfing.

The proposed class-action suit reportedly includes millions of users and seeks $5000 as damages per user or three times actual damages, whichever is greater.

Tags:- Chrome, Incognito, Incognito not secure, Incognito mode, Google, Google Chrome, private, browsing

Deepak Chandra

नमस्कार दोस्तों, मैं Deepak Chandra, DKTechHindi का Technical Author & Co-Founder हूँ. Education की बात करूँ तो मैं एक Enginnering Graduate हूँ. मुझे नयी नयी Technology से सम्बंधित चीज़ों को सीखना और दूसरों को सिखाने में बड़ा मज़ा आता है. मेरी आपसे विनती है की आप लोग इसी तरह हमारा सहयोग देते रहिये और हम आपके लिए नईं-नईं जानकारी उपलब्ध करवाते रहेंगे. :) #We DKTechHindi Team Support DIGITAL INDIA

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