
YouTube New Features Called “Bedtime” Reminders Will Now remind you to log off and sleep on time

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YouTube has started rolling out a new update to all its users. The company is trying to incorporate more digital well-being features. The new feature is called ‘bedtime reminders’ and the name is pretty much self explanatory.

The company has claimed that this new feature is part of the YouTube wellness and screen time tools that were launched back in 2018. According to the company, this will add to the list of other features that help users be more responsible with Google products.

Using the new feature, YouTube viewers will be able to set “specific time to stop watching videos and go to bed.” The company’s blog claims, “You set start and end times in your Settings, including whether or not you want the prompt to interrupt a video or wait until the video is over. You’ll also be able to dismiss or snooze the reminder.”

The new YouTube feature will be available on Android and iOS apps and has already been released. However, the update will roll out gradually to all users.

Under the digital well being feature Google has sent over 3 billion “take a break” messages in the last two years. The Covid-19 pandemic has increased the viewership but has also led to more screen-time for a lot of users who are forced to stay at home to avoid spreading the Covid-19 disease.

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Deepak Chandra

नमस्कार दोस्तों, मैं Deepak Chandra, DKTechHindi का Technical Author & Co-Founder हूँ. Education की बात करूँ तो मैं एक Enginnering Graduate हूँ. मुझे नयी नयी Technology से सम्बंधित चीज़ों को सीखना और दूसरों को सिखाने में बड़ा मज़ा आता है. मेरी आपसे विनती है की आप लोग इसी तरह हमारा सहयोग देते रहिये और हम आपके लिए नईं-नईं जानकारी उपलब्ध करवाते रहेंगे. :) #We DKTechHindi Team Support DIGITAL INDIA

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