
Xiaomi Mi Smart Camera SE PTZ Version Goes Officially Launched at $149

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Xiaomi product lineup cuts across all categories. In the smart home segment, the company has several surveillance cameras as well as action cams. The brand has recently launched a new PTZ camera which happens to be the cheapest of its model so far. The model is dubbed Mi Smart Camera SE PTZ version and is priced at 149 yuan (~$21).

The new camera is the fourth of such PTZ camera that Xiaomi will be releasing. Prior to this, Xiaomi Smart Camera is available in three PTZ camera models: one with 1080P resolution, a 2K resolution (1296P) version and a Pro version (1296P).

The Mi Smart Camera SE PTZ version uses a new generation of H.265 video encoding technology. The bit rate is 50% lower than before. Users can watch 1080P HD video smoothly even under 1M uplink bandwidth. The camera supports 32GB external storage but you can also use Network-attached storage (NAS) or cloud storage. The historical records stored in the Micro SD card can also be played back at 1x, 4x and 16x speed, making it easy and faster to quickly scan through a video.

In addition, the smart camera comes with humanoid detection features meaning it identifies humans. This ensures the camera doesn’t raise a false alarm due to movement of pets, wind, grass or other objects.

(Source) #xiaomi #xiaomi_latest_product #technews #xiaomicamera #ptzcamera #smartcamera

Deepak Chandra

नमस्कार दोस्तों, मैं Deepak Chandra, DKTechHindi का Technical Author & Co-Founder हूँ. Education की बात करूँ तो मैं एक Enginnering Graduate हूँ. मुझे नयी नयी Technology से सम्बंधित चीज़ों को सीखना और दूसरों को सिखाने में बड़ा मज़ा आता है. मेरी आपसे विनती है की आप लोग इसी तरह हमारा सहयोग देते रहिये और हम आपके लिए नईं-नईं जानकारी उपलब्ध करवाते रहेंगे. :) #We DKTechHindi Team Support DIGITAL INDIA

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